About Us

LEADS Employment Services is a not for profit employment and skills development agency.  Since 1986, we have been providing specialized and customized services for people with disabilities and/or employment-related barriers throughout Southwestern Ontario.  At LEADS, Employment Specialists work with clients who need varying levels of assistance developing skills and accessing employment opportunities, and/or post-employment supports.  We also work with employers who have hiring needs, including screening, matching, and on-boarding, and who want to save money and resources in training and accommodation recommendations.

To date, LEADS has placed over 25,000 candidates with more than 16,000 employers and has helped thousands more develop life management, employment, community access, and life skills.

For the fiscal year 2022‐2023 LEADS served over 2300 individuals and secured 928 employment placements and 234 youth volunteer placements.

(For more details please check our Annual Report at https://leadsservices.com/annual-report)


Job Seekers Employers


London inc Magazine
(Early Summer 2024 Edition)

Please click Here for the digital issue of the magazine


High Performing Employment Service Provider

Please click the link below to check “New Case Studies” about LEADS from ODEN News

The London Free Press
2023 and 2024 WINNER

Owen Sound Chamber of Commerce 2019 Business Excellence Awards

THANK YOU to all who supported LEADS for the Owen Sound People's Choice Award.  We are grateful for your support and encouragement to support our Community.

"awards image collage"

Welcoming Committee of Strathroy-Caradoc Decal of Distinction

LEADS Employment Services in Middlesex is beyond thrilled to have been awarded the Decal of Distinction by the Welcoming Committee of Strathroy-Caradoc. LEADS Values and Mission are well represented by the Decal’s 5 Points: Accessible, Safe, Compassionate, Friendly And Helpful. Congratulations to the team In Middlesex, and thanks and gratitude to the Welcoming Committee.

"A Community where everyone belongs"








Let LEADS work for you.
Call today: 1-866-955-3237